Former SCK Girls member Sasaki Rikako joined Hello Pro Kenshuusei (ex Egg) and Hello! Project.
The news was officially announced on March 31 at Hello! Pro Kenshuusei Happyoukai 2013 ~3-gatsu no Nama Tamago Show!~ (ハロプロ研修生 発表会 2013~3月の生タマゴShow!~).
SCK Girls is a local idol group from Miyagi Prefecture.
Sasaki Risako (佐々木莉佳子), born on May 28, 2001, may participate in the Morning Musume 12th generation audition titled Mirai Shoujo Audition (未来少女オーディション).
- Source : Deview
SCK Girls – ReGenerasion (PV) (English Version)