Japanese Idols (アイドル) are multi talented female artists. The girls have various activities as singers, actresses, models, TV personnalities… They appear regularly in a lot of medias such as magazines, commercials, TV shows, dramas or movies.
Japanese idols are usually cute and attractive girls in their teens or twenties.
Gravure Idols (グラビアアイドル), sometimes abbreviated to “gradol” (グラドル), refer to a Japanese female models who appear in magazines, photobooks or DVDs.
The fans are called “wota” (ヲタ).
Japanese idol groups
For further information on Japanese idol groups, check out our idol encyclopedia / wiki below. You can find the profile of the members, the discography, the history, the biography, and more about each artist.
Nowadays, there are hundreds of idol groups in Japan. Our database contains information on a wide variety of groups, from the local idols to the most famous ones (AKB48, Morning Musume, Momoiro Clover Z, Babymetal…).
- Abunai Onnanoko Sisters (危ない女の子シスターズ)
- Afilia Saga (アフィリア・サーガ)
- AiCune
- Aither
- Akamaru Dash (赤マルダッシュ☆)
- AKB48
- Alice Juban (Alice No.10 / アリス十番)
- Allover
- Amagawa Uchu (天川宇宙)
- Ami Gas
- Ange☆Reve
- Angel Generation
- Angerme (アンジュルム / S/mileage ; スマイレージ)
- Anna☆S
- Aoyama Saint Hachamecha High School (青山☆聖ハチャメチャハイスクール)
- Armor Girls (アーマーガールズ)
- asfi
- Aso Natsuko (麻生夏子)
- Ayumikurikamaki (あゆみくりかまき)
- Babymetal (ベビーメタル)
- Babyraids Japan (ベイビーレイズJapan)
- Bakusute Sotokanda Icchome (バクステ外神田一丁目)
- Band Ja Naimon! (バンドじゃないもん!)
- Batten Show Jo Tai (ばってん少女隊)
- Bellring Girls Heart (Bellring少女ハート)
- Berryz Kobo (Berryz工房)
- BiS (Brand-new Idol Society)
- bump.y
- Bunny Kiss
- Buono!
- °C-ute
- callme
- Camouflage
- Candy Go! Go!
- Candy Kiss
- Caramel Ribbon (キャラメル☆リボン)
- Chaw Chaw
- Cheeky Parade
- Chelip
- Cherry Blossom (チェリーブロッサム)
- Chimo
- choco milQ
- ChocoLe
- Choice?
- Chu-Z
- Ciao Bella Cinquetti (チャオ ベッラ チンクエッティ / The Possible ; Theポッシボー)
- Clear’s (Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Kawagoe…)
- Cocolomoyowo (ココロモヨヲ)
- Color Pointe (カラーポワント)
- Country Girls (カントリー・ガールズ / Country Musume ; カントリー娘)
- CQC’s
- Cupitron
- Danceroid
- Dancing Dolls
- dela
- Dempagumi.inc (でんぱ組.inc)
- Devil Anthem
- Dia Lady
- Dianna Sweet
- DiVA
- DokiDoki Dream Campus (DokiDoki☆ドリームキャンパス)
- Doll☆Elements
- Dorothy Little Happy
- Dream
- Dream5
- Dream Morning Musume
- drop
- E-Girls
- Ebisu Muscats (恵比寿★マスカッツ)
- Eriko
- Especia
- Faint Star
- Fairies (フェアリーズ)
- Feam
- Fes☆tive
- Flap Girls’ School (フラップガールズスクール)
- Fleurs Meron (フルルーメロン)
- Flower
- French Kiss
- FruitPochette (Frupoche)
- Fruity (フルーティー)
- Fudanjuku (風男塾)
- Gacharic Spin
- Game Girls (ゲームガールズ)
- Ganbare! Victory (がんばれ!Victory)
- Girls Beat!!
- Gomattou
- Grazie
- Green Fields
- Guso Drop (偶想Drop)
- Hachikin Girls (はちきんガールズ)
- Hakoiri Musume (ハコイリ♡ムスメ)
- Happiness
- Harvest
- Hauptharmonie (ハウプトハルモニー)
- Heisei Kotohime (平成琴姫)
- Hi-Fin
- Hiiragi Rio (柊木りお)
- Hime Carat (姫carat)
- Hime Kyun Fruit Can (ひめキュンフルーツ缶)
- HKT48
- Honey Bunny (ハニバニ)
- Honey Spice (ハニースパイス)
- Honey Squash
- Houkago Princess (放課後プリンセス)
- HR (Hakata Reboot)
- hy4_4yh (ハイパーヨーヨ)
- Idol Class
- Idol College (アイドルカレッジ)
- Idol Renaissance (アイドルネッサンス)
- iDOL Street Street-sei
- Idol Yokai Kawayushi (アイドル妖怪カワユシ)
- Idoling!!! (アイドリング!!!)
- Iketeru Hearts (イケてるハーツ / Stand-Up! Hearts)
- i☆Ris
- Izukoneko (いずこねこ)
- JK21
- JKT48
- Juice=Juice
- Junes Princess (ジュネス☆プリンセス)
- Jurin
- Jyujyu (じゅじゅ)
- Kaiketsu! Tropical Maru (怪傑!トロピカル丸)
- Kalafina
- Kamen Rider Girls (仮面ライダーGirls)
- Kamiyado (神宿)
- Karat☆
- Keyakizaka46 (欅坂46)
- Kikkawa You (吉川友)
- Kimitomo Candy (きみともキャンディ)
- Kiss Bee
- Kitahara Sayaka (北原沙弥香)
- KOBerrieS
- Kobushi Factory (こぶしファクトリー)
- Kotone Mai (小桃音まい)
- Kus Kus
- Kyueen’s (きゅい~ん’ズ)
- La PomPon
- Le Lien
- LinkSTAR’s (リンクSTAR`s)
- LinQ
- Little Glee Monster
- Love Android
- Love La Doll
- Lovely Doll (愛乙女★Doll)
- LoVendoR
- Luce Twinkle Wink☆
- lyrical school
- M Three
- Machikado Keiki Japan (街角景気☆仮面女子↑)
- Maison Book Girl
- Manaminorisa (まなみのりさ)
- Maneki Kecak (まねきケチャ)
- Maplez (Hiroshima Maple★S ; ひろしまMAPLE★S)
- Mary Angel
- Meguriai (メグリアイ)
- Mellow Quad
- Merci Coco
- Metropolis
- Michinoku Sendai Ori☆Himetai (みちのく仙台Ori☆姫隊)
- Mika Rika
- Mirai Skirt (ミライスカート)
- Mito Gotochi Idol (水戸ご当地アイドル(仮))
- Momoiro Clover Z (ももいろクローバーZ / Momoclo ; ももクロ)
- Morning Musume (モーニング娘。)
- Moso Calibration (妄想キャリブレーション)
- Musubizm (むすびズム)
- My Rabbits
- Naaboudoufu@Nana (なあ坊豆腐@那奈)
- Nakagawa Shoko (中川翔子)
- Nakano Fujo Sisters (中野風女シスターズ)
- nanoCUNE
- Nato☆Kan (ナト☆カン)
- Necronomidol (ネクロノマイドル)
- Negaigoto (ねがいごと)
- Negicco (ねぎっこ)
- Niimo
- Niji no Conquistador (虹のコンキスタドール)
- NMB48
- No Name
- no3b (No Sleeves)
- Nogizaka46 (乃木坂46)
- N☆RNiR <ノニエル ; NoRNiR>
- Not Yet
- notall
- Odatomo
- One Little Kiss (ワンリルキス)
- Onnajuku All Stars (女塾オールスターズ)
- OP Samba (おっPサンバ)
- Orange Port
- Osaka BB Wave
- Osaka Syunkasyuto (大阪☆春夏秋冬)
- OS☆U (Osu Super Idol Unit)
- Otome Shinto (乙女新党)
- Oz
- Pa-Ken
- Palet
- Panache
- Party Rockets GT
- PassCode
- Passpo☆ (ぱすぽ☆)
- Peaberry
- Petit Pas (プティパ)
- Petit Milady (プチミレディ)
- PiiiiiiiN
- Pink Babies (ピンク・ベイビーズ)
- Pinkey
- POP (Pla2me ; プラニメ)
- Pottya
- Pramo (プラモ)
- Predia (プレディア)
- Prism
- Prism Mates (プリズム☆メイツ)
- Prizmmy☆
- Pureful (ぴゅあふる)
- Raise Chou Chou (れいしゅしゅ)
- Ready to Kiss
- Rev. from DVL
- Rhymeberry (ライムベリー)
- Rizumu
- Rock A Japonica (ロッカジャポニカ)
- Roman Stars (ロマンスターズ)
- RYUTist
- R☆M (ラム) (RAM)
- S-Qty
- SakuLove
- Sakura Gakuin (さくら学院)
- Sansanar (サンサナー)
- Satonoakari
- SCK Girls
- SDN48
- Seno Sister (せのしすたぁ)
- Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku (私立恵比寿中学 / Ebichu ; エビ中)
- Shizukaze & Kizuna (しず風&絆〜Kizuna〜)
- silQ
- SKE48
- Sketch
- Smile Gakuen (スマイル学園)
- SNH48
- Snow Drop
- sora tob sakana
- Soup Girls
- Spatio
- Starmarie
- Station♪ (ステーション♪)
- Steamgirls (スチームガールズ)
- Stella☆Beats
- Stereo Japan
- StylipS
- Sunmyu (さんみゅ〜)
- Survive-Zero
- S★uthern Cross (Southern Cross)
- Tacoyaki Rainbow (たこやきレインボー)
- Take Off
- Team Syachihoko (チームしゃちほこ)
- Techpri (T.C. Princess / テクプリ)
- Tochiotome25 (とちおとめ25)
- Tokimeki Sendenbu (ときめき♡宣伝部)
- Tokyo Cheer2 Party
- Tokyo Girls’ Style (東京女子流)
- Tokyo Performance Doll (東京パフォーマンスドール)
- Tokyo Rockets (東京ロケッツ)
- Tomato’n’Pine (Tomapai)
- Trick8f
- Triplet
- Tsubasa Fly (つばさFly)
- Tsuduki Kana (都築かな)
- Tsuki to Taiyou (月と太陽)
- Tsuri Bit (つりビット)
- Tsuyogari Sensation (強がりセンセーション)
- Ultra Girl (ウルトラガール)
- Under Face
- Up Up Girls (Kakko Kari) (アップアップガールズ(仮))
- Vanilla Beans (バニラビーンズ)
- Watarirouka Hashiritai 7 (渡り廊下走り隊7)
- Weather Girls (ウェザーガールズ)
- Whip Girls
- White Milk
- Why@Doll
- Why@Doll
- With Love
- The World Standard (わーすた)
- Yamaguchi Kassei Gakuen (山口活性学園)
- YGA (Yoshimoto Gravure Agency)
- You’ll Melt More! (ゆるめるモ!)
- Yuigadokuson (ユイガドクソン)
- YuiKaori (ゆいかおり)
- Yumemiru Adolescence (夢みるアドレセンス)
- Yunohara Rie (柚之原りえ)
The idol phenomenon began in the 1970s. It was inspired by popular foreign artists who had enthusiastic fans.
In the 1970s, the girls were mainly models for magazines.
In the 1980s, idols diversified their activities and started becoming singers and actresses and appearing in TV variety shows. They topped the J-Pop charts. This era was their first “golden age”.
In the 1990s, a new evolution happened and a lot of units were formed.
In the 2000s, Japanese idols rise in popularity with artists such as Morning Musume and AKB48 who had a great success in the whole country.
In the 2010s, the idol phenomenon peaked. Many major or local idol groups were created across Japan.
They even began to expand overseas. Several artists held live performances in South-East Asia, United States and Europe.