Tag Archive: QunQun

Haru no Aru Aru Matsuri 2013

Haru no Aru Aru Matsuri 2013QunQun, RaiseChouChou, Blaze, 10Color’s, and more will participate in Haru no Aru Aru Matsuri 2013 (春のあるある祭り2013).

The festival will be held on March 12 at Aru Aru City, Fukuoka.

The live event is presented by DowGaa Japan.


LinQ Live Tour 2013

LinQLinQ Live Tour 2013 titled Kyushu Kyoutou Tour (九州共闘ツアー) will be held from February 9 to 16.

LinQ will perform with other idol groups such as Yamaguchi Kassei Gakuen, Sense, Southern Cross, QunQun, Ryuuseigun Shoujo, Lovit’s, Chimo, and MKM-Zero during this live tour.

The concerts will take place across the Kyushu region.


J-Pop Matsuri

J-Pop MatsuriLinQ, QunQun, Pro-Qun, and more will perform at J-Pop Matsuri (J-Pop 祭) on November 22.

The live will be held at Club Lab-Z Remix in Fukuoka.
