Hiiragi Rio (柊木りお) held a series of live performances at Japan Expo 2015 in Paris Nord Villepinte, France, in July 2015.
Watch the video and some photos of her show.
This was the 2nd time that Hiragi Rio was coming to Japan Expo. She had already performed at the 2014 edition.
RioRio participated in the event because she reached the 1st rank and won a contest organised by Showroom.
She performed on Welcome to Japan and on Wakanim stage.
Many fans attended her live performances.
Furthermore, Hiiragi Rio will be the guest of Hyper Japan festival on July 10-12, 2015, at the O2, London, UK.
Japan Expo is the biggest convention dedicated to Japanese culture in Europe. The festival took place on July 2-5, 2015.

Je l’ai vue pendant son mini concert mais je ne pouvais pas la prendre en photo ou lui parler. C’était le 2 juillet. Tout le monde s’amusait bien pendant sa performance et la bien soutenue! C’est dommage, j’étais tellement occupée à découvrir pour la première fois la Japan Expo que je ne pouvais même pas me séparer de mes amies pour voir des idoles. 🙁
J’ai vu les Pink Babies passer devant moi aussi! :'(