Tomato n’ Pine’s live DVD The First and the Last Pop Song 4ever (PS4E) ~散開~ will be released on April 24.
The DVD features Tomapai’s last concert held on December 29, 2012 at Nishi-Azabu Eleven, Tokyo. It contains the 18 songs performed during the live, including their greatest hits.
It comes with a 48-page photobook as a bonus item.
Tomato n’ Pine disbanded after 3 years and of half of activity at the end of this final event.
- 10-gatsu no Indian (10月のインディアン)
- Nagisa ni Matsuwaru Et Cetera (渚にまつわるエトセトラ)
- Nanairo☆Namida (なないろ☆ナミダ)
- Yume no Kakera… (夢ノカケラ…)
- Train Scatting
- FAB (Free As a Bird)
- Soshite Neru Mamonaku Solitude (SNS) (そして寝る間もなくソリチュード(SNS))
- Daiji na Love Letter (大事なラブレター)
- Jingle Girl Joui Jidai (ジングルガール上位時代)
- Tameiki, Ocarina, Hora Neko ga Warau (ためいき、オカリナ、ほら猫が笑う。)
- Yuki ga Furu Kara… (雪がふるから…)
- Tameiki wa Pink (ためいきはピンク)
- Odore Carnaval (踊れカルナヴァル)
- Pop Song 2 U / Kumanbachi Remix
- Captain wa Kimi Da! (キャプテンは君だ!)
- Wanna Dance! (ワナダンス!)
- Life is so Beautiful
- Tabidachi Transfer (旅立ちトランスファー)

(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ~~~might as well spread it too guys
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Let’s support our Oshimens!! Ganbare~!(´ω`♡%)
p.s. this is via facebook
Well, since nobody else has said it, then I will. I followed Tomapai for quite a while and saw several of their live performances. I think it’s too bad that such a talented group had to break up.
I am an older guy with many years of experience performing in concert, recording studins, tv, and movies.
Although I don’t understand Japanese (I speak fluent Chinese), I can still understand the feelings coming from the girls.
I know how much work and practice it took for them to reach the level of professionals. It’s never easy. I saw many of my friends who were very talented just get tired of all the hard times and decided to quit.
I was someone who would never give up. So I just kept trying and eventually, I got some lucky breaks. Now that I am retired from music, I can look back and say, “well, at least I did something worth talking about”.
If you have any way to contact the girls, please give them my very best wishes and hopes for long and happy lives. They put many smiles on my face.
Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.