Alo Hello! 3 °C-ute (アロハロ!3 ℃-ute) will be released on DVD and Blu-ray on March 12.
As its title suggests, this is the 3rd episode of the series featuring °C-ute. The filming was done in Hawaii. The DVD and the Blu-ray contains various scenes with the members of the idol group including swimsuit footage.
The digest video has been released.
In addition, AAlo Hello! °C-ute 2014 Photobook (アロハロ! ℃-ute 2014 写真集) is on sale since January 25.
°C-ute’s 24th single Kokoro no Sakebi wo Uta ni Shitemita / Love Take It All (心の叫びを歌にしてみた / Love Take It All) will be released on March 5.