Up Up Girls Kakko Kari will release their 22nd single on next May 9.
It is entitled Upper Disco / Forever Young (アッパーディスコ/FOREVER YOUNG).
Their sister group Up Up Girls (2) makes its first appearance in this single. The idol was formed in last February.
Discover the MVs of Upper Disco and Forever Young shot with the 2 idol groups.
The single will be on sale in 3 editions A, B and C. Each one contains a different CD.
The song Upper Disco written and composed by PandaBoY.
Forever Young was written by Nobe and composed by DJ Michitomo. This one is performed by Up Up Girls (2) in edition C.
FLASH was written by Yamamoto Macho was composed by y0c1e.
And the song Show Time was written and composed by Kabashima Kenji.
Furthermore, leader Sengoku Minami and Sato Ayano will graduate from Up Up Girls Kakko Kari in July. A new page will be turned for the idol group.
- Type A
- CD
- Upper Disco (アッパーディスコ)
- Forever Young
- Flash
- Upper Disco (Instrumental)
- Forever Young (Instrumental)
- CD
- Type B
- CD
- Upper Disco (アッパーディスコ)
- Forever Young
- Show Time
- Upper Disco (Instrumental)
- Forever Young (Instrumental)
- CD
- Type C
- CD
- Upper Disco (アッパーディスコ)
- Forever Young
- Forever Young (Up Up Girls (2) Ver.)
- Upper Disco (Instrumental)
- Forever Young (Instrumental)
- CD
Music Video (PV)