Hello! Project Petit Best 14 (プッチベスト14) will be released on CD and Blu-ray on December 12.
This annual compilation includes songs from Morning Musume, Berryz Kobo, °C-ute, S/mileage, Juice=Juice, Mano Erina, Tanaka Reina, and units from Satoyama Movement (Peaberry, Green Fields, Jurin) and Satoumi Movement (Dia Lady, Mellow Quad, Hi-Fin) released during the year 2013.
The Blu-ray includes 2 bonus tracks.
- Help Me! (Morning Musume)
- Wagamama Ki no Mama Ai no Joke (わがまま 気のまま 愛のジョーク) (Morning Musume)
- Asian Celebration (アジアン セレブレイション) (Berryz Kobo)
- Golden Chinatown (ゴールデン チャイナタウン) (Berryz Kobo)
- Crazy Kanzen na Otona (Crazy 完全な大人) (°C-ute)
- Adam to Eve no Dilemma (アダムとイブのジレンマ) (°C-ute)
- Tabidachi no Haru ga Kita (旅立ちの春が来た) (S/mileage)
- Yattaruchan (ヤッタルチャン) (S/mileage)
- Romance no Tochuu (ロマンスの途中) (Juice=Juice)
- Rock no Teigi (Rockの定義) (Tanaka Reina)
- Next My Self (Mano Erina)
- Cabbage Hakusho ~Haru Hen~ (キャベツ白書~春編~) (Peaberry)
- Tokainaka no Kare (都会田舎の彼) (Green Fields)
- Hotaru Matsuri no Hi (ほたる祭りの日) (Jurin)
- Lady Mermaid (レディーマーメイド) (Dia Lady)
- Eiyasa! Brother (エイヤサ!ブラザー) (Mellow Quad)
- Kaigan Seisou Danshi (海岸清掃男子) (Hi-Fin)
- Help Me! (Morning Musume)
- Wagamama Ki no Mama Ai no Joke (わがまま 気のまま 愛のジョーク) (Morning Musume)
- Asian Celebration (アジアン セレブレイション) (Berryz Kobo)
- Golden Chinatown (ゴールデン チャイナタウン) (Berryz Kobo)
- Crazy Kanzen na Otona (Crazy 完全な大人) (°C-ute)
- Adam to Eve no Dilemma (アダムとイブのジレンマ) (°C-ute)
- Tabidachi no Haru ga Kita (旅立ちの春が来た) (S/mileage)
- Yattaruchan (ヤッタルチャン) (S/mileage)
- Romance no Tochuu (ロマンスの途中) (Juice=Juice)
- Rock no Teigi (Rockの定義) (Tanaka Reina)
- Next My Self (Mano Erina)
- Cabbage Hakusho ~Haru Hen~ (キャベツ白書~春編~) (Peaberry)
- Hotaru Matsuri no Hi (ほたる祭りの日) (Jurin)
- Lady Mermaid (レディーマーメイド) (Dia Lady)
- Eiyasa! Brother (エイヤサ!ブラザー) (Mellow Quad)
- Kaigan Seisou Danshi (海岸清掃男子) (Hi-Fin)
- Kono Machi (.この街) (Minna no Kono Machi Ver.)
- Ame (雨) (White Room Ver.)