Kashiwagi Yuki 3rd Solo Live Nete mo Samete mo Yukirin World ~Motto Muchuu ni Sasechauzo~ (柏木由紀 3rd ソロライブ 寝ても覚めてもゆきりんワールド 〜もっと夢中にさせちゃうぞっ〜) will be released on DVD and Blu-ray on March 19.
The concert was held on November 7, 2013 at Yokohama Arena.
Kashiwagi Yuki performed her solo songs and other ones from AKB48 and French Kiss.
The DVD and the Blu-ray include a documentary on Yukirin as bonus footage.
Moreover, a free smartphone application will be available on App Store and Google Play during a limited period from March 19 to May 31. It will allow to download the acoustic guitar version of Sakura no Ki ni Narou (桜の木になろう).
- Birthday Wedding
- Seigi no Mikata Janai Hero (正義の味方じゃないヒーロー)
- Flying Get (フライングゲット)
- Give Me Five!
- Romance Kenjuu (ロマンス拳銃)
- Kuchiutsushi no Chocolate (口移しのチョコレート)
- Namida ni Shizumu Taiyou (涙に沈む太陽)
- Rainy Day
- Shortcake (ショートケーキ)
- Chinmoku (沈黙)
- Kazanbai (火山灰)
- Anata to Watashi (あなたと私)
- Demo ne Zutto (でもねずっと)
- Ashita mo Waraou (明日も笑おう)
- Skirt, Hirari (スカート、ひらり)
- Gingham Check (ギンガムチェック)
- Juuryoku Sympathy (重力シンパシー)
- Kimi no Koto ga Suki Dakara (君のことが好きだから)
- Yokaze no Shiwaza (夜風の仕業)
– Encore – - If
- Kakko Warui I Love You (カッコ悪いI Love You)
- Saisho no Mail (最初のメール)
- Romance Privacy (ロマンス・プライバシー)
- Zutto Mae Kara (ずっと前から)
- Heart Ereki (ハートエレキ)
- Enkyori Poster (遠距離ポスター)
- A Documentary of Yukirin World (A Documentary of ゆきりんワールド)